Natural Health Care For Children
Exclusive Offer
Complete Chiropractic Consultation, Exam, and X-Rays (if needed) Only $125 (reg. $225)
“My mission is to help as many people as I can, especially children!”
Dr. Michael Schultz B.Sc., D.C., C.A.C.C.P.
Welcome to Schultz Chiropractic Pediatric Centre located in Burlington, Ontario. Dr. Michael Schultz has been providing exceptional chiropractic care to children for over 20+ years and has extensive post-graduate training in the clinical field of pediatrics.

Dr. Schultz is certified with the Academy Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics (C.A.C.C.P.)
and is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (I.C.P.A.).
At our office we focus (scope) on dysfunctions or disorders arising from the structures or functions of the pediatric spine,
… and the effects of those dysfunctions or disorders on the nervous system.

The first and most important step in allowing us to help your child is to attend our new patient evaluation.
Our pediatric exams are very gentle, thorough, and specific to your child’s age. We offer unique exams for infants, toddlers, and teenagers.
The purpose of the new patient exam is for the doctor to determine the underlying root cause of your child’s health issue(s) and to establish a course-of-care strategy to correct it.
Our practice focuses on correcting the cause of dis-ease, rather than just ‘treating’ the effects (symptoms).
Our goal with every child is to help them reach their optimal health potential and to really begin to thrive.
Upon contacting our office one of our team members will schedule you and your child in for a check-up, which takes approximately 45 minutes. We look forward to meeting you and your child in person.
A Fun Note To Parents Who Are Bringing In Their Child For A Check-Up: Dr. Mike has personally custom built arguably the worlds best pediatric table! It is a Fire Engine, built from scratch, with all the bells and whistles! Flashing lights, leather seats for all of the teddy bears to sit on while they drive, stairs for children to walk up onto the table, Ontario license plates, and much more! Kids absolutely love getting adjusted on the Fire Engine.
Sorry there is an age restriction so No Adults Allowed on the Fire Engine!

Contact Info:
Schultz Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
685 Plains Road East, Unit 8
Burlington, Ontario
L7T 2E8
(905) 639-4673
Clinic Hours

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